Saturday, 15 October 2011

Butterflies and mammals

The last few days have been incredibly busy so I apologise for lack of posts, really need to think of some sort of schedule to fit blogging into my life...

On Tuesday in preparation for Leeds Fashion Show I headed to Leeds City Museum.
It was a wonderful mixture of history and wildlife, with a collection of old-fashioned clothes, oil paintings, butterflies and mammals. I would definitely recommend going if you have an hour to spare in
Leeds city centre.
After a haircut and a trip to Yates, I finally headed off to a house party, not before taking full advantage of the free drinks and food at a corporate presentation by Ernst & Young.
Sadly the whole day went uncaptured due to my failure to remember my camera. Apologies.

top – car boot sale 50p, shorts – h&m £19.99, belt – my dad’s, heels – ebay £17.99

*Excuse the hair. The haircut was disastrous and ended up far too short. My hair now has to be pinned up for the foreseeable future, which I had a mini cry about.

Danielle Jaques
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  1. Cute outfit, such a gorgeous shirt! xx

  2. I find haircuts very traumatic. Sorry your's didn't work out. At least it looks great pinned up and it will grow out fast! Love the shirt too.

  3. Your hair looks lovely but I totally feel your pain, I pretty much never go to the hairdresser cos it never works out how I imagine! Gorgeous shirt, x

  4. I love your outfit, you look amazing! And I think your hair looks beautiful, you don't need to worry!

    Pip x

  5. love your shirt!

    leeds blogs FTW! :D

  6. Ohh no! That's such a bummer! Im largly mistrustful of hairdressers which is why i either attempt to trim my own hair or get a friend to do it ehe O_O.

    I adore that blouse! xx
